I’ve just uploaded a new release of TWO,, for Windows and OS X!
OSC Query
Most important addition is a first implementation of OSC Query support, tested with MadMapper on Windows.
I find OSC Query to be a very exciting technology and am keen to expanding the functionality. The interaction with other applications it makes possible is very powerful!

Future updates will be tested with more OSC Query applications, on OS X and Windows.
Moreover I’ve created a new Discourse based forum! Please head to https://forum.thewizardofosc.com/ to discuss TWO, using OSC, OSC Query, or anything else you feel is relevant.
Finally, the release comes with several bug-fixes and performance optimizations, edging closer to a 1.0 release.
On Windows:
TWO is now 64bit, meaning you may have to uninstall your previous 32bit build separately from installing this new version.
On OS X:
The update may fail depending on your OS version, due to the installer not being Apple-signed. In that case download it from here and follow the instructions on that page.